Найти Diazinon Solution 60% EC Sheep, Diazinon Solution 60% EC Cattle, Diazinon Solution 60% EC Goat на Промышленность Directory, надежный производитель / поставщик / завод из Китая

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Модель: 25ml 500ml 1000ml

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 Diazinon Solution 60% EC is an organo phophorus compound that is used for the control/treatment of external parasitic infestations caused by ticks, mange mites, lice and fleas, biting flies, blowfly maggot, screw worms etc. It also protects animals from biting fly strikes for about six weeks.

                                         DIAZINON SOLUTION 60% EC

Composition: ----600mg/ml Diazinon                              

 Indication: Diazinon 60% EC is an organo phophorus compound that is used for the control/treatment of external parasitic infestations caused by ticks, mange mites, lice and fleas, biting flies, blowfly maggot, screw

worms etc. It also protects animals from biting fly strikes for about six weeks.


Target animals: Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Equine, Camel and dog. (It is toxic to cat.)


Application: It is applied either by spraying topically or dipping. A single application is enough in light infestation;

another one is needed 7 days later in heavy infestation. The fur must become completely saturated/wet. Then

drive animals to drain in an open air preferably under shade for few minutes.

 Spray: Dilute diazinon 60% EC at the rate of 0.1% (1 ml

diazinon 60%EC in 1 liter water) and apply.

 Dog: Dilute diazinon 60% EC at the rate of 0.06% (0.6 ml diazinon 60%EC in 1 liter water) and apply.

 Dip: Initially, 1 lt. of diazinon 60% EC per 2400 lt. water for sheep/goat and 1 lt. per 1000 lt. for large animals. When the solution reduces by more than 10% replenish the dip bath with solution at the rate of 1 lt. per 800 lt. water and 1lt per 400lt water consecutively.

 Stable cleaning: 200ml per 5lt. water is used in cleaning 100 m2 stable, for ground only.

 Side effects: Diazinon 60% EC is toxic to animals and human. When swallowed or inhaled or overdosed it

causes toxic effect characterized by salivation, tremor, pinpoint eyes, blared vision, diarrhea and possible death

due to respiratory failure. Treatment: Cases of toxic can be combated by immediate provision of IV atropine sulphate at initial dose rate of 1mg/ kg body weight and maintenance dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight. Use 2 PAM IV at dose rate of 50mg/kg body weight. In human cases, call the physician immediately and show the leaflet.


1.It is very toxic to bird, aquatic animals and other beneficiary insects. Never pollute waterways, pasture and other feed sources. Any unwanted contaminant should be decomposed with 5% NaOH and water. All the empty containers must be destroyed in incinerator.

2.Never drink or eat or smoke while handling the product or before washing hands and face thoroughly with soap

and water.

3.Protective clothing: gloves, facemasks, boots and apron while handling. Wash any contacts of concentrate from skin

and eyes immediately.

4.Don`t apply while raining or during the hot time of the day or when the animals are thirsty, tired or have wounds.

Young animals should not suckle before washing the udder and do not allow animals lick the applied part until dry.

5.Don`t use other organo phosphorus products 7days before or after using diazinon 60% EC.

6.Keep the products in its origin container.

 Special warning:

1. Don`t use on dairy cows or lactating animals/cows.

2. Strictly measure diazinon 60% EC for drug bath, the bathing time is about 1 minute.

3.1ml diazinon 60% EC in 1t. water is sprayed on 1 large cow or 2 small cows (non-dairy, non-lactating cow), don`t

spray on the head.

4. Spray must be outdoors with good ventilation.

5. All diazinon water solution should presently made and used. The dipping bath must be cleaned up completely.

Because the drug residue of last year or last time has rank poison.

 Withdraw period:

Cattle-meat and milk, 18 days

Sheep-meat and milk, 21 days

 Storage: Store at room (under25) temperature in the original container.

Presentation: 250ml.  Diazinon Solution 60% EC SheepDiazinon Solution 60% EC Sheep

Группа Продуктов : Дезинфицирующее Животных > Раствор диазинона

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